![Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association (CMLA)](,h_164,al_c,q_85,usm_1.20_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/MainLogo2.png)
Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association
Revised 2024
Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association - Constitution
Table of Contents
Section 1: Identification
1.02 Mission Statement
1.03 Definition
1.04 Organization
1.05 Contact Information
1.06 Affiliation
Section 2: Members
2.01 Classes of Members
2.02 Cessation of Membership
2.03 Insurance
2.04 Terms of Eligibility
2.05 Member Resignation
2.06 Membership Fees
2.07 Members Right to Vote
Section 3: Governing Structure
3.01 Board of Directors
3.02 Election of the Board of Directors
3.03 Vacancies on the Board of Directors
3.04 Suspensions
3.05 Appeals
3.06 Terms of Office
3.07 Resignations
3.08 Absenteeism
3.09 Return of Property
3.10 Conflict of Interest
3.11 Remuneration
Section 4: Meetings
4.01 General Assembly
4.02 Annual General Meeting
4.03 Special Meetings
4.04 Attendance at Meetings
4.05 Voting Procedures
4.06 Error or Omission
4.07 Posting Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes
Section 5: Finances
5.01 Banking
5.02 Fiscal Year
5.03 Financial Report
5.04 Expenditures
5.05 Protection of Members
5.06 Dissolution
Section 6: Constitution & Bylaws
6.01 Amendments to the Constitution
6.02 Amendments to the Bylaws
6.03 Interpretation of the Constitution
Section 7: Other Regulations
7.01 Playing Rules
7.02 Other Rules and Regulations
7.03 Use of the Association Logo
Section 8: Version History
8.01 Version History
Section 1: Identification
1.01 Name
The name of the Association shall be the “Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association” hereinafter referred to as the Association. The official logo shall be the “Shamrock” as represented on page 18 of this Constitution.
1.02 Mission Statement
The mission of the Association is to organize, promote, develop, and govern minor lacrosse within the Municipality of Clarington and other areas accepted by the Ontario Lacrosse Association.
In doing so:
The Association will provide an opportunity for all eligible youth of our community to participate in recreational house league lacrosse and to provide community-based programs which will allow a player to participate in an environment that is safe, fun, fair, and challenging.
The Association will provide the opportunity for eligible members to participate in representative lacrosse and to compete at the highest level of play.
The Association will promote and model respect for all players, opponents, officials and members associated with the CMLA, through good sportsmanship, correct and proper behaviour, team play, and fair play.
The Association shall be operated without the purpose of monetary gain to any of the Members and any surplus or accretions of the Association monetary holdings shall be used solely for the purposes of the Association and for the promotion of its objectives.
1.03 Definition
The Association shall be a non-profit, non-share capital corporation and shall be the sport governing body for minor lacrosse in the area known as the Municipality of Clarington and shall operate as a branch of the Ontario Lacrosse Association.
Our geographical borders shall be defined and ratified by the Ontario Lacrosse Association and subject to change at the discretion of and in agreement with Zone 6 and the OLA. This document will be updated as these changes occur.
1.04 Organization
The Association shall be composed of members as hereinafter set out and it shall be managed by an elected Board of Directors and other appointed members as outlined in this Constitution and Bylaws.
1.05 Contact Information
The Association will maintain its own mailing address within the Municipality of Clarington. The Association will maintain its own electronic mail address.
1.06 Affiliation
The Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association will maintain its affiliation with the Ontario Lacrosse Association, the Ontario Minor Field Lacrosse League, OWFL, and its local zone and league.
Section 2: Members
2.01 Classes of Members
The Association shall have four (4) classes of membership, namely: Playing Members, Adult Members, Affiliated Members and Honorary Lifetime Members:
Playing Members shall be all members who have properly registered to participate in the activities of the Association.
An Adult Member shall be: eighteen years of age or older and a parent or guardian of a Playing Member(s) or bench personnel or an official registered with the Association or a current member of the Board of Directors.
Affiliated Members shall be all non-playing members who have properly registered to participate in the on/off floor operations of the Association. Members in this class will have no vote but may attend member’s meetings by invitation.
Honorary Lifetime Members shall be non-playing members who have rendered extraordinary and distinguished service to the Association. Individuals may be nominated to be Honorary Lifetime Members by any member of the Association and the granting of Honorary Lifetime Membership must be confirmed by a majority vote of the current Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association’s Board of Directors.
Honorary members will have no vote but may attend Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association members’ meetings by invitation, meetings of the Board and Committees of the CMLA.
2.02 Cessation of Membership
Any member who shall resign or be suspended as a member of the Association shall immediately return to the Association all books, equipment, uniforms or other property of the Association which he may have in his/her care.
2.03 Insurance
All of the Association’s Playing Members, coaches, trainers and managers shall be insured through the Ontario Lacrosse Association insurance plan. All coaches will be insured through the Coaching Association of Canada Liability Insurance Plan. The coverage terms shall be from January 1 to December 31 of the current year registered.
All of the Association’s contents stored at the Garnet B Rickard Arena will be covered under Content Insurance which shall be purchased annually.
The Association will annually purchase Board of Directors Insurance which will include the current years elected and appointed Board members.
2.04 Terms of Eligibility
Members in good standing shall be those admitted to Membership and who have paid all required membership fees to the Association. Members whose Membership fees are in arrears for a period of three (3) months shall be suspended from Membership and not permitted to vote, make nominations, or hold office in the Association for the current year. The Secretary shall inform those concerned of this suspension in writing. Property of the Association must be returned immediately which he/she may have in his/her care.
Members in good standing shall be those admitted to Membership and who are not under suspension from the Association or the Ontario Lacrosse Association in the current year.
Members whose conduct is considered by the Board of Directors to be contrary to the stated Code of Conduct, the Rules of Play and the purposes of the Association shall be asked by the Board or the Disciplinary Committee to explain or justify their actions. If these Members are unwilling or unable to do so, they shall be asked by the Board to resign from the Association. If they do not resign, they shall be given proper notice of motion, to be considered at the next Board meeting, requesting the termination of these Members. A copy of this motion shall be communicated to the Members concerned within a reasonable period of time for that person to make a written response. If a response is made, it shall be circulated with the notice of motion. Approval of such a motion shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority in a ballot conducted at the meeting. The Members concerned shall be invited to attend the meeting and to explain their positions before the vote is taken.
Membership in the Association shall not be transferable and shall terminate upon a Member’s resignation, termination or death.
2.05 Member Resignation
Members may resign from the Association by submitting a resignation in writing addressed to the Secretary who in turn will notify all the Board members. Property of the Association must be returned immediately which he/she may have in his/her care.
Any player or team official accepted by the Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association resorting to legal action against the Association without first exercising their right of appeal throughout the complete appeal procedure shall be deemed to have withdrawn from further competition for the current year. Property of the Association must be returned immediately which he/she may have in his/her care.
Should a Board of Director either resign or be suspended from the CMLA Board of Directors, he or she cannot be elected or appointed for a position with the Board or hold a volunteer position within the organization for a period of two years. It is the discretion of the present board to reduce the period of suspension from volunteer activity (i.e. cause maybe illness).
2.06 Membership Fees
Registration fees for the current year shall be established annually by the Board of Directors. Fees for any unexpired term of membership are normally not refundable but the Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion, grant a request for such a refund.
2.07 Members Right to Vote
The current Board Members, Adult Members, and Playing Members 18 years of age or older that are registered members of the CMLA and in good standing with the CMLA at the time of the Annual General Meeting shall be eligible to vote.
Only one (1) parent/ legal guardian per family shall be eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
No member shall be eligible to cast more than a single vote at the AGM.
Only current Board of Directors, in good standing, are eligible to vote at Board of Director Meetings.
Section 3: Governing Structure
3.01 Board of Directors
The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the Board of Directors.
All Association decisions must be ratified by the Board of Directors prior to any action or amendment concerning such decision unless it has already been approved through the budget process.
The agenda, which is to be prepared and communicated in advance of the meeting, shall only be altered at the discretion of the President or his/her designate.
The Board will meet once every month, or a minimum of 10 of 12 months in the fiscal year, or as directed by the President through the Secretary for the transaction of at least the following business, to be set out in the agenda:
Approval of the minutes of the previous Board of Directors meeting
President’s Report
Vice President – House League Report
Vice President – Representative Report
Vice President – Girls’/Women’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Registrar’s Report
Director of Field’s Report
Director of Operations
Director of Media Relations
Official in Charge
Director of Equipment
Director of Sponsorship and Fundraising
Director of Tournaments
Technical Director
Director at Large (2 Positions)
Old Business
New Business
One third of active Board members constitute a quorum at a Board meeting.
Except for the President and positions appointed by the Board of Directors, every Board of Director shall have a vote in all decisions.
Where required, the Board of Directors may vote on motions using electronic mail. All such votes require a majority of Board Members in order to pass. The Secretary, or their designate shall be responsible for administering the voting and will be responsible for documenting and presenting the results to the associations Board of Directors prior to the next scheduled Board of Directors’ meeting.
The President shall have a casting vote only in the event of a tie-on motions.
Other duties of the Board of Directors Members shall be outlined in this Constitution and in the Bylaws.
3.02 Election of the Board of Directors
The Association’s Board of Directors shall be elected at the Annual General by a secret ballot where multiple candidates are standing for a Board of Director position for a two-year term.
A non-Board member shall President the elections at the Annual General Meeting.
Three (3) adults, as chosen by the President, shall act as scrutineers for the elections and assist the AGM Presidents in counting hands or ballots.
The election of positions will be staggered to allow a smooth transition between executives.
A person must serve on the board as a director for two (2) years within the last four (4) years before being eligible to be voted into a VP position or President.
When possible, no Board of Director member can hold more than two positions at one time. Any Board Member that holds two positions is eligible for only one vote in Board matters. To be elected to an executive position, a member must obtain a minimum of 50% plus one (1) of the votes cast and be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
All Board of Director positions, except for Past-President, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in the following order:
1st Vice President – House League
2nd Vice President – Rep League
3rd Vice President – Girls/Women’s Box/ Girls’ Rep/Girls’ Field Lacrosse
Director of Field
Director of Operations
Director of Media Relations
Official In Charge
Director of Equipment
Director of Sponsorship and Fundraising
Director of Tournaments
Director at Large (2 positions)
3.03 Vacancies on the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors may appoint any eligible person to fill a vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
Recognizing that the Corporation operates on a not-for-profit basis and is managed by volunteer members of the Corporation, provisions must be available for the Corporation to employ/contract personnel to fill critical administrative duties where there are no available volunteers. The Board of Directors shall have the power to hire and where need be terminate the employ/ contract of personnel. Approval must receive a two-thirds vote of the members present at a meeting of the Board of Directors. On a day-to-day basis the personnel will be accountable to the President. Personnel of the Corporation cannot be a Director or an immediate family member of a Director of the Corporation.
3.04 Suspensions
The Board of Directors may suspend, cancel the affiliation of, or accept the resignation of any member at any time for what it deems as “just cause”. Any such suspension will require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors in attendance at the meeting where the action is proposed.
Should a Board of Director either resign or be suspended from the CMLA executive, he or she cannot be elected or appointed for a position with the Board or hold a volunteer position within the organization for a period of time prescribed by the CMLA Board of Directors. It is the discretion of the present Executive to reduce the period of suspension from volunteer activity (i.e. cause maybe illness).
3.05 Appeals
A suspended Board Member shall have seven (7) days from receiving by registered mail notice of his suspension to advise the Past President of his or her intention to appeal the suspension. Such notice of appeal shall also be in writing with a copy sent to the Association’s Secretary. Upon an appeal of a suspension, the Past President shall call a meeting of the Grievance committee to review the action taken. The Grievance Committee shall make a recommendation of its findings to the Board of Directors within fourteen (14) days after the member’s appeal. After having considered the recommendation of the Grievance Committee, the Board of Directors shall render a final decision on the appeal within seven (7) days of receiving the recommendations. All decisions of the Board of Directors shall then be final and binding.
3.06 Terms of Office
All Board of Directors shall be elected to serve a term of two (2) years commencing from the Annual General Meeting to be held during the first week of October.
Departing Board of Directors are also required to participate in the first meeting of the newly elected Board of Directors but do not have voting privileges. They shall provide a formal written summary report, plus any cumulative documentation affiliated with said position from the previous lacrosse season.
The election of positions will be staggered to allow a smooth transition between boards.
The positions up for election by year are as follows:
Even years: VP of Rep, VP of Girls’/Women’s Box/Rep/Field, Treasurer, Director of Media Relations, Director of Operations, Official in Charge, Director at Large (1 position).
Odd years: President, VP of House League, Secretary, Equipment Director, Registrar, Director of Field Lacrosse, Director of Sponsorship and Fundraising, Director of Tournaments, Director at Large (1 position).
Each of the above positions will be for a term of two (2) years and/ or at the time that the Association’s Financial Report has been approved by the Association’s Members.
3.07 Resignations
A letter must be submitted to the President who will present to the Board of Directors, at their next scheduled Board meeting, the resignation of the Director.
An Executive member of the CMLA who transfers, through a release in accordance with the OLA guidelines, to a neighbouring association must relinquish membership on the Executive under the discretion of the Executive.
Should a Board of Director either resign, in term, or be suspended from the CMLA executive, he or she cannot be elected or appointed for a position with the Board or hold a volunteer position within the organization for a period of two years. It is the discretion of the present Board whether or not to reduce the period of suspension from volunteer activity (i.e. cause maybe illness).
3.08 Absenteeism
The absence of a Director from three (3) consecutive meetings without notification to the Secretary prior to the meeting shall be deemed to be a resignation, unless the absence is due to illness, personal emergency, or other extenuating circumstances. In such cases, the Director must notify the Secretary as soon as reasonably possible, and the Board shall have the discretion to excuse the absence and determine whether the Director’s position should remain active.
3.09 Return of Property
Any Board Member who shall resign, be suspended or terminated shall immediately return to the Association all books or other property of the Association which he/she may have in his/her care.
3.10 Conflict of Interest
Every Director who directly or indirectly has an interest in a proposed or existing contract or transaction or other matter relating to the Association shall make a full and fair declaration of the nature and extent of their interest at a Board meeting.
After making such a declaration, the Director in conflict shall not vote on that agenda item, nor shall he or she be counted in the quorum and may not participate in any discussion.
Any member of the Board of Directors who perceives another Director to be in conflict of interest in a matter under consideration is to raise this concern with the President. The President, in turn, will discuss the matter With the Board Member who is perceived to be in conflict and, as appropriate, will hold a discussion with the reporting Board Member. If the discussions do not lead to a resolution, the matter is to be brought to the Board and the Board is to determine by majority vote whether a conflict of interest exists. The member(s) perceived to be in conflict and the reporting member(s) are to refrain from voting and debate. In the situation that the President is perceived to have the conflict, the Past President will discuss the matter with the President.
3.11 Remuneration
Directors shall serve without remuneration and no Director shall indirectly or directly receive any remuneration, salary or profit from the position of Director or for any service rendered to the Association, provided that, the Board of Directors may establish policies relating to the reimbursement of Directors for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of the duties as Directors of the Association.
Any reimbursement to a member of the Board of Directors for services rendered shall require advanced approval by the Board of Directors. Directors seeking reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as members of Board of Directors must provide all original receipts.
Section 4: Meetings
4.01 General Assembly
On all questions of procedure not dealt with by the Constitution, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply.
4.02 Annual General Meeting
The Association shall conduct an Annual General Meeting to be held after the conclusion of the box season but prior to the OLA’s AGM for the transaction of at least the following business, to be set out in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting:
Approval of the Agenda
Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting of the Membership
Individual Board of Director’s Review of the Past Year
Treasurer’s Report
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association
Election of the Executive Members
Old Business
New Business
Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall appear in on the Association’s Website at least four (4) weeks prior to the meeting. Also, at this time, a request will be made for nominations to the Board of Directors via the CMLA website.
The current Past President shall President all aspects of the Annual General Meeting except for the elections.
Twelve (12) voting adult members shall form a quorum at the Annual General Meeting.
Any past member of the Association may petition the Executive for a special dispensation for voting privileges. There shall be no proxy votes.
Members considered not in good standing in the current year may not vote.
Any previous fines not paid will automatically disqualify that individual from voting at the Annual General Meeting or participating in any subsequent games as a player or bench personnel. The individual fined will be permitted to proceed through the existing grievance procedure with the full understanding that the decision of the Board of Directors is final.
4.03 Special Meetings
A Special Meeting of the Association must be called within fourteen (14) days by the Executive upon its own motion or by a petition which is submitted to the Secretary with the signatures of more than thirty (30) Adult Members of the Association. Only the business for which a Special Meeting has been called will be dealt with, except with the unanimous consent of those present.
4.04 Attendance at Meetings
All members of the Association may attend any of the Association’s meetings. Such non-committee members can participate only at the pleasure of the meeting Chair. Any such members will not be permitted to vote, make motions or second motions, except at the Annual General Meeting or at Special Meetings of the Association.
4.05 Voting Procedures
A majority of votes cast by Members entitled to vote, unless otherwise required by the Corporations Act or by the By-Laws of the Association, shall decide every question proposed for consideration at Meetings of the Membership with the exception of constitutional and by-law amendments which shall require a 2/3 majority affirmative vote of members present at the meeting.
The Chair presiding at a Meeting of the Membership shall have a vote only in the event of a tie vote.
At the Meetings of the Membership, every question shall be decided by a show of hands, unless a specific count or a secret ballot is required by the Chair or requested by any Member entitled to vote. Whenever a vote by show of hands has been taken upon a question, unless a specific count or secret ballot is requested or required, a declaration by the Chair that a resolution has been carried or lost by a particular majority and an entry to that effect in the minutes of the Meeting is conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of votes recorded in favour of or against the motion.
Proxies will not be permitted. Members must be present in person at Special General Meetings and Annual General Meetings of the Membership in order to exercise their voting rights in relation to matters coming before the Special Meeting or an Annual General Meeting of the Membership.
4.06 Error or Omission
No inadvertent error or omission in giving notice of any Annual General Meeting or Special Annual Meeting or Membership or any adjourned Meeting, whether Annual or General, shall invalidate such a meeting or make void any proceedings taken at such a Meeting and any Member may at any time waive notice of any such Meeting and may ratify, approve and confirm any or all actions or proceedings taken at any such Meeting.
4.07 Posting Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes
Approved board meeting minutes will be published on the CMLA website in a tab/section titled “Board Meetings” and will be posted no later than three (3) weeks after the meeting that they are approved. Where it is necessary to go “in camera” for privacy reasons, that discussion/section shall be struck from the published meeting minutes.
Section 5: Finances
5.01 Banking
The funds of the Association shall be deposited as soon as possible, no longer than 3 business days, in a legal financial institution and in an official Association account for the best benefit of the Association in the name of the Association.
All Association deposits shall be made by one of the following Board of Director positions: Treasurer, President, the VP of House League, the VP of Rep, the VP of Girls’/Women’s or their designates.
All cheques shall be written by the Treasurer and signed by two of the three following Board of Director positions: President, VP of House League, or VP of Rep. All cheques written to an individual that has signing authority must be signed by the other two signing officers.
The Executive, with two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present, must authorize the borrowing of money upon credit of the Association and may limit or increase the amount to be borrowed.
The Association has the power to accept donations, sponsorships, gifts, legacies and bequests.
Banking transactions must be completed in one of the following manners:
Direct deposit via bank teller and / or an automatic bank machine. When an automatic Bank machine is used a receipt must be printed and turned over to the treasurer.
Withdrawal by authorized Association cheque
5.02 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall end on the 30th day of September in each year.
5.03 Financial Report
The financial statement of the association for the current year shall be presented to each member present at the Association’s Annual General Meeting.
An external review of the financial books of the Corporation must be conducted at the end of the fiscal year, and a written report must be submitted to the Executive as soon as the external review report is received by the Treasurer.
5.04 Expenditures
All of the Association’s non-budgeted expenditures must first be approved by the Board of Directors. All Expenditures must comply with the Associations’ Expense and Purchasing policies.
5.05 Protection of Members
The Board members and their heirs shall at all times be completely indemnified out of the funds of the Association and all costs, charges and expenses with such Executive Members sustains or incurs as a result of proceeding which brought against him/her for an act or omission by him/her relating to the execution of the duties of his/her office and all costs, charges and expenses which such Executive Member sustains or incurs in relation to the affairs of the Association, except such costs, charges and expenses occasioned by his/ her wilful neglect or default.
5.06 Dissolution
The Association shall not be dissolved unless all liabilities have been discharged and a motion has been passed by the majority of votes recorded at a general meeting convened for the purpose of dissolving the Association. Upon dissolution, surplus money shall be donated to a charitable organization, decided by the majority at the Special Meeting, which carries out its work solely in Ontario.
Section 6: Constitution & Bylaws
6.01 Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution Amendments may only be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in the form of a written notice of motion. Voting on any such amendment shall be done by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is requested. A two thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present will be necessary to pass any amendments.
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Association Secretary and to the CMLA email address at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
6.02 Amendments to the Bylaws
Amendments may only be proposed at an Annual General Meeting, a Special Meeting (for such purpose) or an Executive Meeting in the form of a notice of motion. Voting on any such amendment shall be done by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is requested. A majority vote will be necessary to pass amendments.
Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Association Secretary at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
6.03 Interpretation of the Constitution
In this Constitution and in the By-Laws of the Association, unless the context otherwise specified or requires,
The singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular.
The masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
“Person” shall include individuals, bodies incorporated, partnerships, syndicates, trusts, unincorporated organizations and any number of aggregate of persons.
Section 7: Other Regulations
7.01 Playing Rules
The Association shall at all times abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Canadian Lacrosse Association and the Ontario Lacrosse Association.
7.02 Other Rules and Regulations
The Association may make such Rules and Regulations as may be deemed necessary to promote, develop and govern the sport of lacrosse in the Municipality of Clarington, Ontario and other such areas accepted by the Ontario Lacrosse Association and the Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association Board of Directors.
The Association may impose such other regulatory measures as it deems necessary for the efficient administration of the competitive structure of the sport within its jurisdiction.
On an annual basis and prior to the start of the season, both the representative and house league programs will submit all rules and /or guideline revisions for the current operating year to the association’s Executive for approval.
No such regulation may violate the individual’s rights or freedom except as may be required to protect the rights and freedom of any other individual and to ensure the stability of the basic structure of the sport.
7.03 Use of the Association Logo
The “Shamrock” shall be used on Association letterhead, official documents, newsletter, notices and clothing (including player shirts) as required by the Board. The following versions are currently in use:
Logo as of October 6th, 2020.
Section 8: Version History
8.01 Version History
Version Date
October 1st, 2024
ONCA requires Constitution and Bylaws to be two separate documents. Two documents created, no content changed.
September 18th, 2024
Fix spelling and grammar.
September 18th, 2024
Fix grammatical error.
September 18th, 2024
1.05, 1.06, 2.01
Fix grammatical issues and use proper wording from the OLA.
September 18th, 2024
Fix grammatical error.
September 18th, 2024
Fix grammatical error.
September 18th, 2024
Updating wording to match OLA language, update to reflect two (2) Director at Large positions from past AGM (was listed as four), removal of Shamrox section (no longer owned by CMLA), fix grammatical errors.
September 18th, 2024
Updating wording to match OLA language, update to reflect two (2) Director at Large positions from past AGM (was listed as four), fix grammatical errors.
September 18th, 2024
Fix grammatical errors, update to list two (2) Director at Large positions, not four (4) from previous constitutional amendments.
September 18th, 2024
Other directors still need to vote just the one director is unable to vote.
September 18th, 2024
Change the approved prior of time for the AGM from first week of October to between conclusion of Box season and the OLA’s AGM.
September 18th, 2024
Removal of the section removing a Board Member if their child plays for another centre due to a release.
September 18th, 2024
Removal of the maximum amount of time a suspension can be given by the Board – previously it was a two (2) year maximum.
September 18th, 2024
Allowing room for the Board to vote on special circumstances of an absence without forcing resignation.
September 18th, 2024
Allowing room for a minimum amount of meetings per year to go from monthly to a minimum of ten (10).
September 18th, 2024
Approval to fix all grammatical and spelling errors.
September 18th, 2024
Approval to change all bullets, lettering, and/ or other bullet types to a simple bullet to make the entire document uniformed.
September 18th, 2024
Removal of all mentioned of Junior C and/ or Shamrox as the CMLA no longer owns the Shamrox.
October 6th, 2020
Proposed amendments to be submitted 2 weeks prior to AGM, previous 3 weeks.
October 6th, 2020
New Section
Version History added.
October 6th, 2020
Notice of AGM to be given 4 weeks prior to meeting, previously 3 weeks.
October 6th, 2020
2.01 (f)
Secretary is responsible for updating the Version History.
October 6th, 2020
Clarify voting rights.
October 6th, 2020
Update logo with new version created by Carrie Bonter.